Bologna – Centro Historico – a vist to the Mercato delle Erbe

About ten minutes’ walk from the Quadrilatero deli district (post here) is the historic centre’s actual market, the Mercato Delle Erbe.

The front entrance is at 25 Via Ugo Bassi and the rear entrance is on the semi-pedetrianised Via Belvedere. My map here.

Built in 1910, it houses market stalls that were previously located in Piazza Maggiore. It’s a small market with around 40 vendors including greengrocers, fishmongers, cheesemongers, butchers and bakers, many of whom have attractive displays of quality ingredients.

One unusual product I saw was Ciccioli Campagnoli, a mixture of bacon, the throat parts of the pig and spices which are then pressed in a sack ‘country style’.

After a renovation in 2014, several restaurants and wine bars were added. Unfortunately many of these were closed in the evenings when I was there due to covid restrictions, so again, another place for next time!

The market is open from 07:00 in the morning until 19:30 in the evening.

Medieval architecture next!

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